This Week in Band!
December 7th. 2020
Good morning Viking Band!
Big shout out to the Viking Marching Band for their outstanding performance at the Lula Christmas Parade! Thank you all for your hard work in putting on one of the most “normal” events of the year for our community! We have received nothing but positive feedback and praise for bringing an energetic, fun holiday spirit to the City of Lula. I am very proud of our Viking Band students!
Please see the schedule for the week and important details below. Students, please make sure you are caught up on all objectives and written assignments!
Schedule for the week (12/7-12/11)
Monday- EHHS Students in Blended Learning (Afterschool rehearsals canceled)
Tuesday- EHHS Students in Blended Learning (All-State help sessions via Zoom throughout the day)
Wednesday- EHHS Students in Blended Learning
Thursday- Wind Symphony afterschool rehearsal canceled
Friday- No Scheduled Band Events
Good morning Viking Band!
Big shout out to the Viking Marching Band for their outstanding performance at the Lula Christmas Parade! Thank you all for your hard work in putting on one of the most “normal” events of the year for our community! We have received nothing but positive feedback and praise for bringing an energetic, fun holiday spirit to the City of Lula. I am very proud of our Viking Band students!
Please see the schedule for the week and important details below. Students, please make sure you are caught up on all objectives and written assignments!
Schedule for the week (12/7-12/11)
Monday- EHHS Students in Blended Learning (Afterschool rehearsals canceled)
Tuesday- EHHS Students in Blended Learning (All-State help sessions via Zoom throughout the day)
Wednesday- EHHS Students in Blended Learning
Thursday- Wind Symphony afterschool rehearsal canceled
Friday- No Scheduled Band Events
Fruit Fundraiser Pickup- Wednesday, 12/9 (6-8pm)
Our Viking Band Fruit Fundraiser products will arrive on the afternoon of Wednesday 12/9. Because of our blended learning situation, we are going to set up a drive-thru system in the bus lane to ensure a safe, contact-free pickup. Students/customers can begin picking up their orders at 6pm. Please make all efforts to pick up fruit orders on Wednesday evening to ensure the freshest delivery!
District Honor Band/All-State Help Sessions- Tuesday 12/8
On Tuesday 12/8, we will offer All-State/District Honor Band help sessions throughout the day over Zoom! If you would like to sign up for a 20 minute lesson with Mr. Youngman, please fill out the form below and be on the lookout for a Zoom link in your email.
Sign up form
Band Assignments for (12/7-12/9)
During the blended learning period, this is a great time to catch up on any missed work or assignments in your classes! Please make sure that you are current on all band objectives and written assignments. All band students should have completed:
Objectives 1-5
Written Assignments from 9/22, 10/16, & 11/9
2020 Winter Band Concert (Postponed)
The blended learning period will cause us to rethink our plans for our Winter Band Concert. Unfortunately, the idea of bringing everyone together indoors for a band concert next week is no longer possible amidst the rising COVID-19 cases in our community. My number one priority is, and has always been, the safety of our students and families and we would not want to hold an event that could be potentially dangerous.
However, this does not change the fact that our students have worked hard on our repertoire in preparation for this event and we want to find a way to celebrate that! Before making any alternate plans, let’s wait a few days and see how the rest of this week plays out. We solidify alternate plans when we have a bit more information.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Youngman. ([email protected])
Have a great week everyone!